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ExP – Visual Expansion: The Power of VFX

8.Oktober @ 18:30 22:00

Am 8. Oktober geht’s weiter mit ExP! Sophie Kordes und Florian Smolka geben euch Einblicke in den Aufgabenbereich VFX: egal, ob ihr als Indie Dev eure eigenen Effekte gestalten möchtet, ihr VFX-Artist seid und mehr Tipps und Tricks erfahren wollt oder ihr in eurem Team mit VFX-Artists zusammenarbeitet. Meldet euch jetzt kostenlos an!

📅 Wann: 8. Oktober, 18:30 Uhr (Einlass), 19:00 Uhr (Programmbeginn)
📌 Wo: Medien.Bayern | Balanstraße 73, Haus 11, 81541 München
💬 Was: Zwei Expert*innen Talks mit anschließendem Get-together mit Brezen und Getränken
🎟️Tickets: kostenlos, jetzt über Eventbrite reservieren

Euch erwartet:

🔥 From Spark to Flame – A Jumpstart into VFX for Indies
Sophie Kordes (she/they), VFX Artist, KINGArt

🧙‍♂️ What it takes to be a wizard – Lessons learned in the last decade
Florian Smolka (he/him), Senior Vfx/Tech Artist, Maschinen-Mensch

Both talks will be held in English!

From Spark to Flame – A Jumpstart into VFX for Indies

Sophie Kordes (she/they), VFX Artist, KINGArt

When learning a new discipline, especially one outside of your regular expertise, finding the right resources can be difficult, time consuming and overwhelming.

In order to help developers ease into the world of visual effect creation, this talk provides various learning resources, where to go for further help and feedback, a quick “how-to” guide on basic, quick and easy visual effect creation, as well as where to find free-to-use, starter friendly assets that will save your time and nerves.

About Sophie

I am Sophie Kordes, VFX Artist at KING Art Games in Bremen, Germany.

Most of the VFX Artists I know, somehow slipped into that role. Noone actively decides to become a VFX artist and neither did I.

I got hooked on particle systems, shaders and node-based software during my internship as a 3D Artist (see! slipped!) at Chasing Carrots, and ultimately landed a job as a VFX Artist at KING Art Games.

Last year I picked up freelance work for Gentle Troll Games to develop VFX – for some previous and – their now upcoming game project.

Currently I am working on an unannounced project at KING Art Games where I create everything from gameplay to environment effects to produce a kick-ass game.

What it takes to be a wizard – Lessons learned in the last decade

Florian Smolka (he/him), Senior Vfx/Tech Artist, Maschinen-Mensch

A collection of learnings that could either make you a better VFX artist or help you understand this rare breed subspecies of gamedevs. Ranging from very specific tips on how to handle textures to general workflow advice seasoned with illustrated examples wrapped in a coat of gifs – there should be something for everyone.

About Florian

Flo has to thank his mom for his career path because she stumbled upon a newspaper article about game design studies. In university he met the people who later founded Mimimi Games (RIP) and worked there for 13 years until they closed their doors. Now working for Maschinen-Mensch he’s in charge of generating cave systems on an alien world and making fart clouds nice to look at. Flo loves procedural workflows, Spacestuff, science, equality and humans collaborating to achieve a common goal.

Both Talks wil be held in English.




Balanstraße 73 / Haus 11
München, Bayern 81541 Deutschland